God created Adam in his image and likeness. We see God or Heaven in yellow and Adam in white beneath. The animals where not enough for Adam so God created a suitable woman for him. Suitable is the character to the rigth.
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Preach the gospel using Chinese characters

The woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good and pleasing for the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom. The serpent deceived her, and she ate of the fruit.
After this event had taken place everything changed. From life to death. From good to evil. The world became up side down. Also Adam was turned up side down to become the character disobidient.
God still had a plan and gave Adam and his wife a promise. God said: The seed of the woman will crush the head of the serpant and the serpant will strike his heel. These two Chinese characters tell this story.
God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them. Throughout history animals have been offered as sacrificial animals both among the Jews and the Chinese. These animals have taken the burden of sin and died in our place.
Sin entered the world through one man, and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men, becasue all sinned. We have to go through a lot of difficulties in life all because of the sin of man.
The promise of God was to send a Savior, a Messiah, a second Adam. This character tells that the early Chinese had this knowledge and made this character that has the meaning a king will arrive.
A king will arrive is also found in other Chinese characters, for example in the characters to hold on to and to tell to others. The Chinese wanted all to know about this and they hide the message in their own language.
Adam died 930 years old. Probably all men of that time died before they were 1000. The character to the left has the meaning 1000. The character with the serpent has the meaning mourn.
Added: 12.11.2012 - Read: 116776 times -
The hand written characters are all over 3000 year old Chinese hieroglyphs called oracle bones. The smaller characters beside are characters in use today. Many do not know the real meaning and the origin of the characters. In this article we will take a look at several of them

In the first picture we have three Chinese characters. The yellow one up to the left has the meaning Heaven. The Chinese has been worshipping Heaven throughout history and another name for this God is Shang Di. The white character under Heaven has the meaning big. This character had its origins from Adam. Check out earlier articles. Adam is created in the image of God. Only the mouth symbolisising authority is God's.

To the rigth there is a woman and a hand. The character has the meaning suitable and this could be a picture of the suitable woman for Adam when no animal was suitable enough.

The second picture has the woman amongst two trees. We remember the two trees in the middle of the garden and that the woman had desire to eat of the fruit. This character with two trees and a woman has the meaning desire. The red arrow beneath has nowadays the meaning insect but originally had the meaning snake.

The trird picture is kind of symmetric. To the rigth we have Adam in white before he had sinned. In red up side down we have the character for disobidient. Nobody can from how the characters are written today see these characters just have been rotated. The character to the left has also two persons in it, one the rigth way and the other the wrong way. This character has the meaning change.

Change is an important feature in Yin and Yang that for a long time has been a central concept in Chinese philosophy. I see many similarities with Yin and Yang and the Bible story of Adam and the sin of man. Let us check out a few of these later. Just now I just let you know that Yin and Yang is about change. And this character to the left has the meaning change.

The fourth picture has two characters in it. The first is one of the most frequent of them all and had the meaning good. This character has a woman and a son in it. Because the Chinese have been very religious in the past I cannot believe this character has with anything other than this Biblical promise of God that the woman will have a son. This is a good thing. Very good. Salvation for all men.

The other character in the fourth picture has the meaning it (compare he, she), the third person. Who where in the beginning except God. He (Adam), she (the woman) and it (the serpant). This character has originally the meaning serpent. And even more spectacular, this character has a foot above and a snake below. We remeber the word of God, the woman will crush the head of the serpent (with his foot) and the serpent will strike his heel (part of the foot). Can anything be more clear?

The fifth character has two animals the sheep and the oxen. If we look at these two animals we see that they consist of the character for disobidient. Why? They should take the place of the sinful man so the Chinese made these two animal to look like the up side man. Only some decoration on the top makes the difference and we can recognize them as sacrificial animals. The yellow character down in the picture has the meaning fire. The sheep with this fire below has the meaning lamb because it was often a yong and innocent animal without any diseace that had to be offered on fire.

The sixth picture has three characters more where we clearly can see the up side down Adam. The first from left has the meaning difficulties, the one in the middle has the meaning tongue and the one to the rigth has the meaning to speak. After the fall of man there where difficulties everywhere. Often the problems had a direct connection to the words spoken by the tongue. The tongue has its fire from hell the Bible tells. The Chinese seem to have known this a long long time ago.

The Chinese also seem to have known the coming of the second Adam long before the New Testamnet ever was written. The seventh picture has the character for luck to the left. The character also has the meaning that a king or a emperor will arrive. We see here the two persona again, one rigth way and the other wrong way. If Adam that had sinned is the red one, could the yellow one then be Christ? This character must have been one of the most presious for the Chinese because I find that the astrologial symbols to the left for man and woman seem to have originated from this Chinese character with the two Adams in it. I also believe that Yin and Yang have its origin here. Look at the seventh picture and discover the similarities.

The eigth picture has two other characters that has the same part with the two Adams in it. The one to the left has the meaning to hold on. We here see a Chinese that holds on to the truth about that there will one day come a Savior to save us from evil. The other character the one to the rigth has also a Chinese in it, kneeling. And a hand there also. This character has the meaning to tell. This is what we are suppose to do and I now am doing. Even the early Chinese knew about this and wanted to tell others about it. So important was it for them that this character today also has the meaning newspaper.

The last picture has a person in it with a line on his leg. The charcter has the meaning 1000 but now one knows why. I think I have got the answer. Adam and the other humans of that time of early history of man all seem to have died before they where 1000 years old. Adam died when he was 930 and all this time he was the oldest man in the world. When he died all because of the serpent people mourned. The charcter to the rigth has the meaning mourn. These two characters also look a little like each other. They could both have something to do with death.

There are more Chinese characters that tells the story of God. The Chinese people seem to have known and worshipped God. In Chinese God is Shang Di or the emperor above. Shang Di sounds a little like El Shaddai and I believe those two words for God has one and the same origin.

Please contact me if you have questions or if you want to do research in these old Chinese hieroglyphs called oracle bone script. Please use these characters when you are sharing the word of God. And please tell others about this web site. God bless you.

Oracle Bone, 3100-3600 years old